Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday Listening

Today while I should have been studying, I was:

1. Checking out Elektramusic's January playlist, to see what the folk from the CEC list get up to when they're not dueling with Kevin Austin over the hyphenation of electroacoustic/electro-acoustic.
2. Reading articles in the guardian about overconfident bints.
3. Listening to Champagne Diamond/The Brilliant Light's podcast at Caff/FLICK.
4. Playing with my new melodica and my new microphone (which I'm looking forward to taking for a walk after exam time.)
5. Lusting after things I can't really afford.
6. Drinking a nice beer and thinking about how I'm consciously lowering my grade to a 2.1 and not doing anything to stop myself. Damn.

Guess tomorrow I'll do some real work.
My, it's windy outside.

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